Snyrtitaska - Sólsetur |

Snyrtitaska - Sólsetur


Íslensk lýsing efst - English description below

Snyrtitaska með ljósmynd frá Íslandi

Snyrtitaskan frá Puzzled by Iceland er úr þykku og slitsterku efni með rennilás og hanka til að hengja hana upp.
Auk þess að henta vel fyrir snyrtivörur þá er taskan tilvalin fyrir golfkúlurnar á vellinum, blautþurrkurnar í bleiutöskunni eða hvað sem er !
Stærð : 17 x 25 x 5 cm, 100% polyester, 38 g

Puzzled by Iceland cosmetic bag Cosmetic bag with photographs from Iceland The cosmetic bag from Puzzled by Iceland is made from strong fabric has a hand strap to hang it or easily find it in your purse, gym bag or wherever you put it.
As well as being the perfect bag for your cosmetics it’s great for various other occasions, like for your golf balls and tees at the court or your wrist wraps and jump rope at cross fit.
Size 17 x 25 x 5 cm.
Material: 100% polyester
Fun gift that can be used for various reasons.
Weight: 38 g