Force Sensor |

Force Sensor


Force Sensor.

Ath.: Sérpöntunarvara - Verð vörunnar er einungis til viðmiðunar! Leitið verðtilboða


PASCO's durable, reliable Force Sensor was designed specifically for the student physics lab. Wide-range, high-frequency response and a low noise transducer help generate excellent impulse graphs, smooth harmonic motion data and more. The sensor's special strain gauge consistently generates the same output for the same force. Damping materials reduce vibrations caused by collisions without affecting results. Any dynamics cart accessories can be mounted on top of the Force Sensor.
Ignores Side Loads
-50 to +50 N range
Built-in Accessory Tray

Typical Applications
Measure force during elastic and inelastic collisions
Measure force exerted by an oscillating mass
Measure force of a swinging pendulum

Framleiðandi: Pasco Scientific (